Frequently asked questions

Q. How can you offer free hosting?
A. We add a small header and a small footer to each of your pages.

Q.How can I upload my website?
A. You have 2 choices. For those of you who know FTP, you can use your favorite FTP client (CuteFTP and WS-FTP are very popular). If you don't know very well FTP, you can use your favorite browser. We recommand Internet Explorer 5 because it has more features than Netscape. When using your browser, you can simply drag & drop (or copy & paste) folders and files from your local computer to your browser. Please note that you received all the instructions on how to use this when you signed up with us.

Q. I heard some free hosts are doing nasty things to websites they host, including adding consoles, limiting their bandwidth, overload their servers, and so on. Are you doing the same thing?
A. No, No and No! We will always keep our headers and footers the smallest as possible, we will never add consoles to your sites, nor will we limit your bandwidth. You see, we're not greedy as some freehosts. We are a small team of young and dynamic people, working for themselves. Our goal isn't to make lots of money, it is to offer you the best free hosting as possible. We keep a very thin profit margin, because the bigger we are, the better are the prices we have on bandwidth. This is very profitable for our other projects.

Q. Can I post my galleries to TGPs? Are you banned from certain TGPs?
A. Yes you can post galleries to TGPs, you're invited to do so. Currently we don't know any TGP that blacklisted us. We will always carefully choose the links/banners we put in headers/footers to make sure your galleries are accepted at the most TGPs as possible.

Q. Which files are accepted?
A. Currently we support standard html and images files, which means .htm, .html, .gif, .jpg, .js and .css. We are currently evaluating the possibility of adding support for movies. The size of your individual files should be < 85kb. Files exceeding this size will get automatically deleted. Besides that, there's no limit on the number of files you can host in your account.

Q. Can I have more than 1 account?
A. No, please don't. Anyway you have unlimited space in your account, so there's no point in getting more accounts.

Q. I have other questions! How do I contact you?
A. You can email us at support@hyperfree,com

Q. Do you support CGI/PHP/SSI/.htaccess?
A. Not at the moment, but we're working on it. We will add features based on what is the most needed.

Q. Can I use my own domain name?
A. Yes! We now support domain name hosting. To map your domain name to your account, you must do 2 things. First, log into our members area, and add your domain name to your account. Second, point the DNS servers of your domain to our dns servers.

DNS transfers usually take between 2 and 5 days (this is how the net works, we can't do anything to speed this process), so please be patient. Please note that FTP infos remains the same, and that we don't forward any emails.